
Vermeende stropers val NCPF-lede aan

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Lede van die Nossob Misdaadvoorkomingsforum (NCPF) het die afgelope Donderdagoggend in lewensgevaar verkeer nadat hulle 'n voertuig, met vermoedelik gesteelde wildsvleis daarin, agterna gesit het. Hulle het die motor as die eiendom van 'n "bekende verdagte" op Witvlei herken. Die motor het teen klippe in Witvlei se nuwe informele nedersetting vasgery, waarna twee insittendes uitgespring en weggehardloop het. Die derde verdagte het egter gefluit en geroep, waarna sowat tien mense opgedaag en die forum se lede met klippe gegooi en met pangas gedreig en geslaan het totdat hulle terug na hul voertuig moes vlug. "Ons lewens was in gevaar!" het een van die NCPF-lede aan Republikein gesê, wat vir eers anoniem wil bly. Hy sê op die verdagte voertuig se agterste sitplek was die opgesnyde karkas van 'n gemsbok.

Members of the Nossob Crime Prevention Forum (NCPF) were in mortal danger this past Thursday morning after they chased a vehicle, with suspected stolen game meat in it. They recognized the car as the property of a "well-known suspect" in Witvlei. The car crashed into rocks in Witvlei's new informal settlement, after which two occupants jumped out and ran away. However, the third suspect whistled and shouted, after which about ten people showed up and threw stones at the forum members and threatened and beat them with pangas until they had to flee back to their vehicle. "Our lives were in danger!" said one of the NCPF members to Republikein, who wishes to remain anonymous for the time being. He says on the back seat of the suspect vehicle was the cut-up carcass of a gemsbok.

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