
APP-002404: Establishment snail meat (Helix aspersa Muller species) farm in Erongo Region, Namibia

Publication Year:

To establish within 3 years a 2.5 ha export-based Snail meat (Helix Aspersa Muller species) farm in Namibia with a yearly capacity of 650 tons for the European markets, based on cutting edge exclusive “know how” technology and secured off taker This unique investment opportunity is based on a strategic partnership that we secured with a top international producer based in the EU, who is an active player in the trade of snails and will also act as an offer taker in the project. This position guarantees production performances and product quality recognized by the global industry, a secured off-take arrangement resulting in revenue generation from the first year of production, and a highly attractive return on investment. The development is made up of an environmentally monitored facility to ensure optimal temperature and humidity, as well as high quality specialized feed and a management protocol. Monitored daily through an online management system jointly with a highly trained local staff at the EU producer farm, further ensuring growth and product quality to be harvested and sold as planned.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 14 December 2021

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