
The Katima Mulilo Fish MarketData Analysis, November 2007 โ€“ May 2009, February 2011

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This report is a part of the ongoing study of the fish markets in Katima Mulilo, which started in 2002 with the WWF project "Shared Fisheries Resource Management on the Zambezi/Chobe River". During the present study period from November 2007 to May 2009, the objective was to collected baseline data that can be used for long-term planning of the fishery in the region. Valuable information was collected during this survey that can be used for long-term planning of the fishery of the region. This is all the more important if it is coupled to monitoring of fishers activities and changes in catch per unit effort. The sale of both fresh and dried fish is undertaken by females only. Fish for sale are mainly transported by taxi from the Kalimbeza-Lisikili area as well as further east from the flood plain and Chobe River, with some fish also brought in from Lake Liambezi since 2008. The average number of fish vendors was 70 (range 41 to 105) but no clear seasonal trend or change over the study period could be detected. The mean weight of fresh fish traded per day was 1081kg together with 162kg dried fish (equivalent of 808 kg fresh fish), totalling 1889kg fresh fish equivalent per day or around 567 tonnes per year. The contribution of the market to the local economy is thus considerable, with an average value of N$18.25 per kg for fresh fish; this represents N$10.3 million per year.

Series Title:
Integrated co-management of the Zambezi/Chobe River Fisheries Resources Project
Technical Report
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TR 2.2 fish market final PDF.pdf 2.75 MB

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