
APP-003005: Application for renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for Mining License (ML) 167 for dimensions stones (marble) ongoing mining and exploration activities in Karibib District, Erongo Region, west-central Namibia

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The renewed Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for Mining License (ML) No. 167 is required to continue undertaking the following activities: 1. Construction of new additional main and supporting mining infrastructures (Expansion Quarry Construction and Development); 2. Expansion Construction of plant for processing of marble and calcite including the primary, screening, secondary, and cutting facilities (Expansion Quarry Construction and Development; 3. Expansion of the rock waste and generals waste disposal site (Expansion Quarry Construction and Development); 4. Ongoing mining of marble blocks and calcite fines (Expansion Quarry Operation) 5. Ongoing exploration, mining, and environmental monitoring (Expansion Quarry Operation); 6. Ongoing rehabilitation and maintenance (Quarry Operation), and; 7. Final rehabilitation, mine closure and aftercare (Final Closure). The open pit operations of the quarry face will often start on higher portions of the ML area and at manageable elevation. Mining will proceed by means of a series of work faces, beaches, and vertical slopes. Marble will and continue to be extracted from the ML 167 quarry by sawing and pulling huge chunks of marble blocks from the quarry to the sorting and stockpiling area. The mined blocks will be transported to Karibib of Walvis Bay for processing. Ongoing rehabilitation will be undertaken as mining operations progresses. Areas where mining has been completed will be rehabilitated and once the whole mining operations ceases, then the final rehabilitation will be undertaken leading to the mine closure and aftercare stages. The following is summary of the various options that will be considered as part of the final site restoration: (i) Use the disused marble quarry as a source of extraction of aggregates; (ii) Deposit quarry waste within the quarry area. However, this may also cause the shrinkage and may results in changes in the surface runoff of rainwater and soil erosion, and; (iii) Final site restoration of the quarry area could also consider creating places for the public to enjoy and relax and places for tourism, rock climbing sports activities and cultural events. This will require the restoration of the land to some degree of its former state and the restoration plan involves actions such as shaping slopes, redevelopment relief and creating viewpoints, leisure area, parking for visitors, installation of rock-climbing anchors, chains or ropes and areas for cultural events.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Saturday, 20 November 2021

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