
Stryd teen wildmisdaad kry N$ 92 miljoen

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Terwyl onlangse statistieke aandui Namibië wen die stryd teen wildmisdaad en mens-dier-konflik, sal 'n projek van stapel gestuur word om hierdie pogings te versterk. Dit volgens die uitvoerende direkteur van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme, mnr. Teofilus Nghitila. Hy het dit tydens die ondertekening van die projekdokument getiteld "Geïntegreerde benadering tot pro-aktiewe bestuur van mens-dier-konflik en wildmisdaad in brandpunt-landskappe in Namibië" gesê. Die projek ter waarde van sowat N$92 miljoen beoog om Namibiê se pogings te versterk om mens-dier-konflik en wildmisdaad tot 2026 te voorkom en te bekamp.

While recent statistics indicate Namibia is winning the battle against wildlife crime and human-animal conflict, a project will be launched to bolster these efforts. This according to the executive director of the environment, forestry and tourism, mr. Theophilus Nghitila. He said this during the signing of the project document entitled "Integrated approach to proactive management of human-animal conflict and wildlife crime in hotspot landscapes in Namibia". The project worth about N $ 92 million aims to strengthen Namibia's efforts to prevent and combat human-animal conflict and wildlife crime by 2026.

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  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

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