
APP-002880: Township establishment, creation of street, and installation of bulk services on consolidated Erf X, Efidi Proper, consisting of 103 erven and remainder to be known as Efidi Extension 6

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It is the proponent's intention to establish Efidi Extension 6 which is to consist of 103 Erven and Remainder on Consolidated Erf X, Efidi Proper. The proposed layout will consist mainly of residential erven supported by two public open space zoned erven. The intended development aims to: Provide mainly residential erven for the de-congestion initiative; Respect the existing homesteads; Accommodate the area affected by seasonal inundation; and link the internal street network with the surrounding streets, inclusive of distributor road which according to the Ongwediva High Level Integrated Spatial Development Plan (ISDFP) is to be developed into a distributor arterial serving the larger urban area. The following statutory steps need to be undertaken in order to establish the proposed township: Consolidation of Erven 230 and 231 Efidi Proper into Consolidated Erf X; Rezoning of Consolidated Erf X, Efidi Proper (comprising of Erven 230 and 231) from "Single Residential" to "Undetermined"; Layout Approval and Township Establishment on Consolidated Erf X, Efidi Proper, consisting of 103 Erven and Remainder to be known as Efidi Extension 6.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 29 October 2021

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