
APP-002977: Assessment report for the new Nampower Power Line from Obib to Zincum Substation for RPZC Mine

Publication Year:

Re: Renewal of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the new Nampower Power Line from Obib to Zincum Substation for Rosh Pinah Mine. I refer to the formal renewal application of the ECC that was granted by your office on the 7th May 2014 (Valid for 3 years) The ECC was not renewed as the project was ceased at the time. As Rosh Pinah Mine is in the process to upgrade their operation the project will commence in the next months after the ECC has been obtained. The alignment of the powerline will be from OBIB to ZINCUM substation. The alignment will be the same as in the 2013 EIA/EMP report. The previous ECC for the new powerline was granted in the name of Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation (Pty) Ltd. (RPZC). With the renewal of the mining licence (ML39) during 2020, the MME requested that Rosh Pinah mine’s ECC be transferred to PE Minerals, who is the rightful mining license holder. Rosh Pinah mine operates the mine on PE Mineral’s behalf according to an operating agreement. Hence the request is for the ECC, for NamPower’s new Overhead Powerline, to be issued in the name of PE Minerals based on the EIA/EMP attached. The EIA report assessed the potential impacts and stipulates mitigation measures and environmental monitoring and evaluation set in place to ensure that the project is executed with the environmental stewardship principles. Your favourable consideration of our application will be highly appreciated. Please Note, As This Is A Resubmission To Renew The Lapsed Ecc From 2014, We Submit Under The Bid Request The Full Eia Report With All Appendices.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Sunday, 10 October 2021

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