
APP-002802: Proposed uranium mining activities in the Mining License (ML) No. 177, Karibib / Swakopmund Districts, Erongo Region, Namibia

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The application for the renewal of the of the current Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is required for the proposed uranium mining activities in the Mining License (ML) No. 177. The proposed project development stages are summarised as follows: Preconstruction (covering site preparation, bundling of the construction camp, material and equipment mobilisation for the development of the pit area, processing facilities and all supporting infrastructures); Construction (covering the actual site excavations for the pit area, processing facilities, office, administration and all related facilities and installation of all the supporting services, roads, electricity and water infrastructures; Operation and Ongoing Rehabilitation (covering the actual production of uranium oxide covering mining and mineral processing activities including ongoing rehabilitations of the pit area and processing plant including the tailings and waste rock facilities);  Rehabilitation and Closure (Decommissioning) (the stage of removal of the installations covering the pit area, processing plant, tailing, waste rock as well as all the physical supporting infrastructure that has reached its useful life-span); Aftercare (covering a specific period after decommissioning that the developer or operator may still be held liable for any environmental damage such as contamination as a results of collapsed rehabilitated infrastructure. New environmental regulations that may be associated with mining and minerals processing in Namibia are likely to enforce the aftercare environmental liabilities. The following is the summary of the indicative sizes of the various proposed development areas within the ML No. 177: Proposed Mining Licenses (ML) Area: 151 035 m²; Proposed PIT 1 3 000 m²; Proposed PIT 2 1 800 m²; Proposed PIT 15 700 m²; Proposed PIT 18 (Main Pit): 6 700 m²; Administration, Plant and Heap Leaching Area: 22 000 m². Since the granting of the ML No. 177 on the 30/11/2012, no mining or mine related construction activities have been undertake due to the low global uranium price that currently makes the project not economic, however this is likely to change in the near future hence the need to have a valid ECC for quick project implementation.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 23 September 2021

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