
APP-002905: Renewal of ECC for small-scale mining on three (3) Mining Claims 69977, 69978 and 69979 at Otjokavare  Village, Kunene Region

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Mr. Jasper Theron Uys was granted an ECC for small-scale mining activities on mining claims 69977, 69978 and 69979 at Otjokavare village, Kunene region. The ECC, was issued on the 19 June 2018 and expired on the 19 June 2021. There have not been any mining activities conducted on all the three Mining Claims since 2018 due to low economic situation over the recent years. However, the proponent intends to commence with the mining activities, hence the application for the renewal of the ECC.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 16 September 2021

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