
APP-002851: New Nampower power line from Obib to Zincum Substation for RPZC mine 

Publication Year:

The increase in production will require additional power supply provided by NamPower. NamPower has indicated that the existing 66 kV line would not be able to meet the mine’s power requirements. As all power demands in the area are currently growing, these loads (including to the Sendelingsdrif Mine) would have a negative effect on the security of power supply to RPZC. A New 66 kV line to be constructed from Obib to Zincum substation at Rosh Pinah with the specific purpose of supplying the mine with adequate power. The new 66 kV line will be routed along the existing 66 kV line except for the parts from Obib substation to the Skorpion entrance gate and from Lorelei to Zincum Substation (South of Rosh Pinah). This new line will be approximately 26 km long and will be constructed with twin pelican conductors which will be able to carry considerably more than the existing line (in the order of 50 MVA) between Obib substation to Lorelei substation. From Lorelei to Zincum substation, single pelican conductors will be used. At this stage, there seems to be no need for any resettlement, even though the new substation and line will be routed in Rosh Pinah town and close to a few buildings.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 26 August 2021

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