
APP-002445: Environmental Clearance Certificate for the Township Establishment on Block 23, Matutura, Proper, remainder of Portion 5 of Swakopmund Town and Townlands No.41, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

The MET has approved and issued the following ECC's to the Swakopmund Municipality; -ECC Renewal: Environmental Clearance Certificate for the Township Establishment on Block 23, Matutura, Remainder of Portion 5 of Swakopmund Town and Townlands No.41 Erongo Region - 20 April 2017 -Environmental Clearance for the Environmental Baseline Assessment for the Proposed township establishment on Portions A, B and C of the Remainder of Portion B of Swakopmund Town and Townlands No 41, Erongo Region -21 May 2014 -Environmental Clearance for the Formalisation of DRC Informal Settlement, Township Establishment on Erf 184 and Mile 4, Proper as well as Portion 90 of the Remainder of Portion B of Swakopmund Town and Townlands, Swakopmund, Erongo Region, Namibia - 2013 The Northern Blocks or as it is known now as the Matutura township is made up of Extension 3 -5, Extension 6-12, Extension 24- 25, Extension 27, Extension 29-31, Extension 36-37. The application is to renew the ECC issued on 20 April 2017 to the Swakopmund Municipality and to rename it accordingly as; Environmental Clearance Certificate for the Township Establishment on Block 23, Matutura (Extension 3 -5, Extension 6-12, Extension 24- 25, Extension 27, Extension 29-31, Extension 36-37), Remainder of Portion 5 of Swakopmund Town and Townlands No.41 Erongo Region - 20 April 2017.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 24 August 2021

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