
Nine rhinos poached in 2021

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Namibia has lost nine rhinos to poaching in various national parks this year, according to the environment ministry. The statistics show three black, and six white rhinos were poached this year alone. The three black rhinos were killed in the Etosha National Park, while six rhinos were poached for their horns at private-owned white rhino reserves. Environment spokesperson Romeo Muyunda also issued national elephant poaching statistics per year from 2014 to 2021. The figures show that four elephants have been poached this year compared 2020 where 12 such endangered species were killed for their tusks. The four elephant carcasses were discovered between 21 May and 21 June this year in Tsumkwe in the Nyae-Nyae conservancy, Gam in the Ondjou conservancy, Buffalo Core area in Omega of Kavango East and Mahango Core area in the same north eastern region.

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New Era Live
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