
Nege verdagtes weens wildmisdaad vasgetrek

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Op 20 Junie is 'n Namibiër op Rundu in hegtenis geneem toe 'n ietermagovel in sy besit gevind is. By die Etosha Nasionale Park se King Nehale-hek is twee Namibiërs op 21 Junie in hegtenis geneem omdat hulle onwettig in die besit van 'n elandkarkas was. In 'n ander voorval by Omahenene is 'n Angolese burger en 'n Namibiër op 22 Junie in hegtenis geneem toe hulle met 22 ietermagovelle betrap is terwyl daar op 'n handwapen sowel as vyf rondes ammunisie beslag gelê is. Intussen is nog 'n Namibiër op 24 Junie op Oshakati in hegtenis geneem nadat hy met drie olifanttande betrap is.

On June 20, a Namibian was arrested on Rundu when a pangolin was found in his possession. At the Etosha National Park's King Nehale Gate, two Namibians were arrested on June 21 for being in illegal possession of an eland carcass. In another incident at Omahenene, an Angolan citizen and a Namibian were arrested on June 22 when they were caught with 22 pangolin skins while a handgun as well as five rounds of ammunition were seized. Meanwhile, another Namibian was arrested on June 24 in Oshakati after being caught with three elephant tusks.

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