
Feasibility study on the rehabilitation of Lake Liambezi

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ln 1985, Lake Liambezi, a body of water located on the southem boundary of the eastem Caprivi Region dried up, and apart from a very small inflow in 1989, has remained dry ever since. Between the early 1950s and the early 1980s, the lake provided an income to as many as 120 fishermen and yielded several hundred tonnes of fish per annum. The question was raised whether the lake could be re-flooded in order to re-establish the fishery. Within this overall aim, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources commissioned a feasibility study into the rehabilitation of Lake Liambezi with the following objectives: ldentiff how and why the lake flooded in the past. o ldentity the reasons why the lake has not re-flooded since 1985; Establish whether the changes that led to the lake drying up are cyclic in nature or permanent; Establish if cyclic, at what intervals re-flooding can be expected, and if not cyclic in nature, whether the changes are reversible; Recommend the most cost-effective way of re-flooding the lake under both scenarios mentioned above.

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