
APP-002005: Amendment to Namdeb's Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR) for Mining Licence 43 to accommodate Namdeb's potential long term life of mine plan

Publication Year:

Amendment Application: Namdeb perform land-based and marine prospecting (exploration), mining, treatment and rehabilitation in ML43. This ML covers an area of ~ 40,500 ha and is located in the Tsau//Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park, north-east of Oranjemund. The current life of mine (LOM) for ML43 ends in 2022. Namdeb has developed a potential new Long Term Business Plan (subject to Board Approval) to extend this LOM up to 2038, through implementing various changes (i.e. amendments) of the current / approved activities in ML43. Key differences between the current operations and the plans for the future will be: - Increased area mined per year from an average of 860 000 to 1 400 000 m²; - Change of midwater - shallow water boundary from -30m to -50m; - Increase / amendments to associated infrastructure; - Implementation of some new technologies.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 16 July 2021

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