
APP-002735: Fin-fish cage farming in the Atlantic Ocean, north-west of Lüderitz

Publication Year:

Lilongeni Fish-Farming (Pty) Ltd., a Namibian registered company (Co. Reg. No. 2015/0190), intends to farm with finfish in the Atlantic Ocean of Namibia. The Proponent identified four alternative sites where it intends to farm with finfish in cages at the isobar ranging between 65m to 75m sea depth. The site north-west Lüderitz was chosen as the most appropriate to farm with all three (3) species. Lilongeni Fish-Farming (Pty) Ltd. intends to spearhead and make finfish farming in the marine environment a first in Namibia off the coast of Lüderitz. The Proponent proposes to farm with the Namibian Yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi), the Silver cob (Argyrosomus inodorus) as well as the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) for commercial purposes. The onshore facility will include an office complex; feed and equipment store, laboratory for water testing; quarantine facility using the RAS system; an existing Fish processing factory e.g. SeaFlower, will be leased to process the harvested fish.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 16 July 2021

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