
Results of the annual game count for the NamibRand Nature Reserve and Pro-Namib Conservancy 1 June 2013

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This report provides summarised results and analysis of the annual game count held on the NamibRand Nature Reserve and Pro-Namib Conservancy on the 1st of June 2013- for the ninth consecutive year since the count was initiated in 2005. This was also the second year running that the farms Springbokvlakte and Saffier were included in the count since they joined to the reserve in 2012. Teamwork was once again the essence of the day as all concessionaires, landowners, neighbours and NRNR staff joined in to participate in the event. The game count briefing, which included a theoretical presentation, discussions and handing out of game count files to the different teams, was held on the 31st of May at the Wolwedans private camp prior to the AGM. Even though this year’s rainfall has been exceptionally low, with an average of ± 30mm, the effects of the last two year's good rainfall can still be seen, as the numbers of the plain’s game are still relatively high. The effects of this year’s rainfall will probably only is seen next year or the year after. Kindly note that the game count method employed is ideal for estimating larger numbers of common plains game, but less suited to other species such as kudu and steenbok. No single census method is complete in itself, but needs to be supplemented and complemented on a dynamic basis by local knowledge and other sources of information, e.g. independent total counts of recently re-introduced species, incidental sightings and camera trap recordings.

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Game count report 2013_Namib Rand.pdf 1.29 MB