
Renosters gestroop, kalfie soek

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'n Renosterkalfie is steeds soek nadat haar ma, wat met die hand grootgemaak is, en nóg ‘n witrenoster die afgelope naweek op ‘n gasteplaas gestroop is. ‘n Hartseer mnr. Joachim Rust van Ghaub Nature Reserve and Farm het gister vertel hoe hulle die tweejarige Zanna in 2014 as 'n kalfie gered en met ‘n melkbottel moes grootmaak. Zanna se ma het ná swaar reën in diep modder op ‘n plaas naby Waterberg vasgeval en is van uitputting dood. Zanna se karkas is Sondag in die veld gevind. Sy is geskiet en onthoring. Haar kalfie van 18 maande kon nie opgespoor word nie. Terwyl hulle na die kalfie gesoek het, het hulle die karkas van nóg ‘n renosterkoei, genaamd Grosse Kuh, gevind. Ook sy is in die maag geskiet.

A rhino calf is still wanted after her mother, who was raised by hand, and another white rhino were poached on a guest farm this past weekend. A sad mr. Joachim Rust of Ghaub Nature Reserve and Farm told yesterday how they rescued the two-year-old Zanna in 2014 as a calf and had to raise it with a milk bottle. Zanna's mother got stuck in deep mud on a farm near Waterberg after heavy rain and died of exhaustion. Zanna's carcass was found in the field on Sunday. She was shot and dehorned. Her 18-month-old calf could not be located. While searching for the calf, they found the carcass of another rhino cow named Grosse Kuh. She too was shot in the stomach.

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