
Wildmisdaadsindikate in 2020 vasgetrek: Bosslagtery gedy in Covid

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Die voorkoms van wildmisdaad, veral rakende renosters, olifante en ietermagôs het in 2020 gedaal, maar steeds is ’n derde van alle inhegtenisnemings verwant aan dié hoë waarde spesies. Volgens 2020 se wildmisdaadverslag is 31% minder sake aanhangig gemaak, asook 31% minder verdagtes as in 2019 in hegtenis geneem. Altesaam 145 verdagtes is in verband met renosterstropery of horingsmokkelary in hegtenis geneem, maar in 2020 is op meer renosterhorings (21) beslag gelê as die 13 in 2019.

The incidence of wildlife crime, especially for rhinos, elephants and pangolins, has dropped by 2020, but still a third of all arrests are related to these high-value species. According to the 2020 wildlife crime report, 31% fewer cases were filed, as well as 31% fewer suspects than in 2019. A total of 145 suspects were arrested in connection with rhino poaching or horn smuggling, but in 2020 more rhino horns (21) were seized than the 13 in 2019.

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  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

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