
'Geen personeel betrokke by stropery'

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Die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme het bevestig dat geen van sy personeel by wildstropery betrokke was nie en stropery het in nasionale parke afgeneem. Die woordvoerder, mnr. Romeo Muyunda, sê volgens die ondersoek na die vuurwapens wat in die Etosha Nasionale Park gekonfiskeer en vir ballistiese toetse gestuur is, is geen personeellid aan enige stroperysaak verbind nie. Die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, het dit aan Republikein bevestig. "Geen van die vuurwapens wat vir ballistiese toetse gestuur is, kon positief met 'n personeellid van die ministerie verbind word nie," het hy gesê.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism confirmed that none of its staff were involved in poaching and poaching has decreased in national parks. The spokesman, Mr. Romeo Muyunda says according to the investigation into the firearms confiscated in the Etosha National Park and sent for ballistic tests, no staff member has been linked to any poaching case. The head of the Blue Rhino task force, Comm. Barry de Klerk, confirmed this to Republikein. "None of the firearms sent for ballistic tests could be positively linked to a staff member of the ministry," he said.

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