
The allelopathic, adhesive, hydrophobic and toxic latex of Euphorbia species is the cause of fairy circles investigated at several locations in Namibia

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Background: In this multidisciplinary study we present soil chemical, phytochemical and GIS spatial patterning evidence that fairy circles studied in three separate locations of Namibia may be caused by Euphorbia species. Results: We show that matrix sand coated with E. damarana latex resulted in faster water-infltration rates. GC-MS analyses revealed that soil from fairy circles and from under decomposing E. damarana plants are very similar in phytochemistry. E. damarana and E. gummifera extracts have a detrimental efect on bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of Stipagrostis uniplumis and inhibit grass seed germination. Several compounds previously identifed with antimicrobial and phytotoxic activity were also identifed in E. gummifera. GIS analyses showed that perimeter sizes and spatial characteristics (Voronoi tessellations, distance to nearest neighbour ratio, pair correlation function and L-function) of fairy circles are similar to those of fairy circles co-occurring with E. damarana (northern Namibia), and with E. gummifera (southern Namibia). Historical aerial imagery showed that in a population of 406 E. gummifera plants, 134 were replaced by fairy circles over a 50-year period. And fnally, by integrating rainfall, altitude and landcover in a GIS-based site suitability model, we predict where fairy circles should occur. The model largely agreed with the distribution of three Euphorbia species and resulted in the discovery of new locations of fairy circles, in the far southeast of Namibia and part of the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. Conclusions: It is proposed that the allelopathic, adhesive, hydrophobic and toxic latex of E. damarana, E. gummifera, and possibly other species like E. gregaria, is the cause of the fairy circles of Namibia in the areas investigated and possibly in all other areas as well. Keywords: Fairy circles, Namibia, Euphorbia, Latex, Allelopathy, Spatial pattern

Publication Title:

BMC Ecology

Item Type:
Journal Article