
APP-001690: Development of residential and retail (including tourism) activities on Erf 4747 in Swakopmund, Erongo Region, Namibia

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Development of residential and retail (including tourism) activities on Erf 4747 in Swakopmund, Erongo Region, Namibia. Nature of Activity: The planned project is for the development of residential & retail (including tourism) activities on Erf 4747, which will replace the old demolished swimming pool and Lighthouse Restaurant, located at the Mole, Swakopmund main beach. The proposed development will provide luxury accommodation and leisure time experience in the coastal areas for travellers while uplifting the community with extra income and hospitality training. The planned development will be consisting of the following: - Construction of infrastructure, for possible accommodation facilities and / or office use, as well as associated facilities such as a fitness gym, spa, lounge area and restaurant/s; - The proposed development will also include the construction of retail facilities; - Possible construction, upgrade (if required) and connection of drainage infrastructure, sewerage pipelines and associated connections i.e. to the municipality for water supply and to the closest possible step-down transformer unit in the area for power supply; and - Development and upgrade of the existing green space and children’s playground area; as well as - To upgrade municipal walkways/ boardwalk where applicable. Scale and scope of activity: Activities likely to take place include: - Development of residential & retail (including tourism) activities; - Construction of a large spray ground, splash pad with waterspouts and arches and an upgrade of the existing green space and children’s playground area; and - Upgrade of the municipal walkways/boardwalk where applicable. Listed activities triggered by the project include: − Waste management, treatment, handling and disposal activities 2.1) The construction of waste sites, treatment of waste and disposal of waste: 2.3) The import, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage or export of waste - Tourism Development Activities: (6) The construction of resorts, lodges, hotels or other tourism and hospitality facilities

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 16 February 2021

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