
APP-002259: Lodestone's Dordabis Iron Ore Mining Project and Associated Infrastructure: Power Supply to the mine through a new 132 kV and 11kV overhead powerline and associated infrastructure

Publication Year:

Lodestone is currently finalizing their Feasibility Study for the originally planned "Dordabis Iron Ore Mining Project and Associated Infrastructure" on ML 182. However, Lodestone now propose a number of changes to the previously assessed / approved (2013 EIA) project scope relating to the "original project". Lodestone is, amongst others, proposing the construction of a new overhead powerline from the Auas substation to the mine. A new 132 kV powerline is proposed for power supply from the Auas NamPower substation (near the C23/B6 roads intersection) to the mine. The Powerline will be approximately 37 km long. The final 1.5 km of power line from a proposed new (dedicated) Lodestone Substation to the mine itself will be a 11 kV power line.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 5 February 2021

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