
Integrated approach to proactive management of human-wildlife conflict and wildlife crime in hotspot landscapes in Namibia


This Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) applies to the GEF-financed project "Integrated approach to proactive management of human-wildlife conflict and wildlife crime in hotspot landscapes in Namibia" (UNDP ID: PIMS 6303; GEF ID: 10200), which is a child project of the World Bank-coordinated Global Wildlife programme. The ESMF was prepared by the UNDP as the GEF Agency, in close collaboration with the Implementing Partner, the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism. This ESMF has been prepared based on the social and environment screening procedure (UNDP’s SESP) that was completed as part of the project design phase, and consultations carried out on behalf of UNDP during the project preparation phase with the project partner and stakeholders in government, local communities and civil society entities. The ESMF has been developed on the basis of the project risk categorisation and to outline the processes that will be undertaken during the project inception/implementation phases for the additional assessment of potential impacts, and identification and development of appropriate risk management measures, consistent with UNDP’s Social and Environmental Standards (SES).1 It contains measures and plans to avoid, and where avoidance is not possible, to reduce, mitigate and/or offset adverse risks and impacts. The ESMF specifies the most likely applicable social and environmental policies and requirements and how those requirements will be met through procedures for the screening, assessment, approval, mitigation, monitoring and reporting of social and environmental risks and impacts associated with the project activities.

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