
APP-002227: Proposed Construction of an 18MW Solar Power Plant on Lease 16 of Farm 38, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

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Activity 1 (a) The generation of electricity. Activity 1 (b) The transmission and supply of electricity. Namibia is regarded as a net exporter of electricity, local electricity generation is derived from hydropower, coal and diesel burning power stations; however this is not enough to meet local demand (INCUNFCC, 2002) necessitating the country to source the balance, amounting to more than 60%, from other countries within the Southern African region such as Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique; of which South Africa’s contribution is dominant at 53% (von Oertzen, 2012). Despite the current situation, the energy consumption in Namibia follows an upward trajectory because of the unavoidable dependency of national development on the availability, supply, demand and use of energy (Ajayi and Ajayi, 2013). Namibia will thus have to develop, as a matter of urgency, its own capacity to generate electricity (Kapika and Eberhard, 2010). It is against this background that Euarestos Asset Management, the proponent, has embarked on this opportunity to contribute towards energy self-sufficiency and efficiency by constructing an 18MW Solar Power Plant at a portion of Farm 38 in the town of Walvis Bay in the Erongo Region. The Municipality of Walvis Bay has allocated the proponent a 29 ha portion of Farm 38 for this purpose.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 12 January 2021

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