
APP-002232: Environmental Management Plan for Wolf Briquettes Processing Factory in Erongosig, Usakos

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The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in Namibia only certifies Charcoal/ Briquette if the manufacturer can prove that it complies with the FSC requirements stipulated in the: FSC STD 40-004 Version 2 for trading and manufacturing organisations using 100% FSC material. The Standard aims at responsible management of Namibia’s forest resources whilst conserving and restoring the ecosystem and protecting workers rights. The scope includes natural forests including invasive species "thorn bushes" and non-timber forest products such as venison products and Marula fruit. The thorn bushes and invasive tree species are problematic due to their rapid spread which in turn endangers the local environment, negatively impacting biodiversity, threatened species and groundwater. Wolf Briquettes CC currently employs 70 people, that reside in Usakos. The Usakos Briquette factory relies on FSC certified Wood suppliers in Namibia including CMO Logistics, Makara Bush Product cc, and NRC. Details about the supplier's FSC certificates including the list wood species being supplied is attached to this application as Appendix B. The Wolf Briquette Factory (Usakos) purchases FSC 100% wood fines, that is added to 10% starch and water. The wood product then goes through a press process to compress the product to briquettes pallets. The Briquettes pallets are sundried prior to packaging, then collected for storage at the Old TransNamib locomotive station warehouse for storage purposes only prior to transportation to the Walvis Bay harbor and delivery to the various clients. The Old TransNamib Locomotive Station/ warehouse is located in the central town of Usakos. Wolf Briquettes CC has requested Marvin Sanzila (Marvin Environmental Project Consultants cc to assist with the environmental compliance process in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007) and The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation. Briquette Manufacturing (Processing) activity is not a listed activity in the EIA regulations that may trigger the need for an Environmental Impact Assessment. However, the manufacturing process (processing plant) may result in Aspects and Impacts that trigger the need for an Environmental Management Plan in order to mitigate the potential impacts. It is with this background that an EMP will be compiled and an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) “this application” has been prepared.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 12 January 2021

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