
Hunter, game, and lords of animals in Southern Africa

Publication Year:

This essay is devoted to the study of the so-called lords of animals or guardians of nature, the supernatural beings who, according to ancient Khoisan belief, own certain species of the wild animals. Since the early 19th century more or less fragmentary statements have been collected. These statements seem to be incoherent and even contradictory. In recent years additional information has been collected. This essay analyses these new documentations and shows how the ideas of these lords, kings and mothers of animals have been fundamental for the Khoisan worldview and Khoisan life. A short comparison with traditions of other African peoples and also of other continents reveals a perplexing similarity even of details. Therefore it is accepted that the concept must be very old; perhaps a French Stone Age rock painting might already show a lord of animals. The basic idea is alive up to the present day in Africa as well as among German hunters. Keywords: Hunting, Ethics of Hunting, Lords of Animals, Mothers of Animals, Revenging Animals, Khoisan Religion, Belief Legends, weidgerechtes Jagen.

Publication Title:

Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society

Item Type:
Journal Article