
Seven apprehended for wildlife crimes

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At Opuwo, two Namibians were arrested on 13 October for being in possession of a pangolin. At Grootfontein, a Namibian, Raimo Kakongo, was arrested on 11 October on a charge of conspiring to poach a rhino. The case dates back to August this year. He has been charged with contravening the Riotous Assemblies Act. At Opuwo, two Namibians were arrested on 13 October for being in possession of a pangolin. Uaninazo Muheke and Mavetumbuavi Mutambo were charged with contravening the Controlled Wildlife Products and Trade Act. At Onaanda in the Omusati Region, two Namibians, Paulus Amutenya and Abraham Eliaser, were arrested on 15 October and charged with contravening the Arms and Ammunition Act. At Mururani, two Namibians were arrested for conspiring to hunt a rhino. The case was reported on 2 October. Wakudomo Kudumo and Ludik Lourens were charged with contravening the Riotous Assemblies Act.

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Namibian Sun
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