
APP-001134: EMP Renewal - Operation of the Consumer Fuel Installation, Windhoek, Namibia

Publication Year:

Namland Consultants was requested by Coca- Cola Bottling Company Namibia to perform an environmental condition survey on the consumer fuel installation of Coca-Cola Namibia in Windhoek. The environmental assessment is conducted to determine all environmental, safety, health and socioeconomic impacts associated with the operations of the facility. Relevant environmental data has been compiled by making use of secondary data and from a reconnaissance site visit. Potential environmental impacts and associated social impacts were identified and are addressed in this report. Due to the nature and location of the facility, limited impacts can be expected on the surrounding environment, see summary impacts table below. The facility is surrounded by industrial type businesses including other ones with their own consumer fuel installations. It is recommended that environmental performance be monitored regularly to ensure regulatory compliance and that corrective measures be taken if necessary.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 6 November 2020

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