
APP-002023: Environmental Clearance Certificate for Walvis Bay Waterfront, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate for Walvis Bay Waterfront, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region. An application was submitted (16th March 2018). Listed activities triggered by the project include: Waste management, treatment, handling and disposal activities - 2.3 The import, processing, use and recycling, temporary storage, transit or export of waste; Temporary storage of waste generated by operations of the proposed Waterfront. Tourism development activities - 6 The construction of resorts, lodges, hotels or other tourism and hospitality facilities; Construction of two hotels, several restaurants and conference facilities. Water resources developments 8.10 Reclamation of land from below or above the high-water mark of the sea or associated inland waters; Construction of a marina and other structures below the high-water mark. - 8.11 Alteration of natural wetland systems; Marina breakwater and retaining wall extending into the Lagoon connecting to the Raft Restaurant. Hazardous substance treatment, handling and storage - 9.1 The manufacturing, storage, handling or processing of a hazardous substance defined in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974; Temporary storage of diesel during construction. - 9.2 The storage and handling of a dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid petroleum gas or paraffin, in containers with a combined capacity of more than 30 cubic meters at any one location; Temporary storage of diesel during construction (Two 22,000 litre tanks bunded to contain a capacity of 110% of the stored volume); • Diesel tanks in standby electricity generators. Infrastructure - 10.1(a) The construction of bulk supply pipelines; • Re-routing of the existing sewerage pipelines. - 10.1 (e) The construction of any structure below the high-water mark of the sea; The foundations of the marina wall will be constructed below the high-water mark. Other activities - 11.2 Construction of cemeteries, camping, leisure and recreational sites; Construction of two hotels and relocation / construction of recreation and leisure facilities. 2. Details of the activity(s) covered by the environmental clearance certificate: Title of Activity: Walvis Bay Waterfront Nature of Activity: The proposed project is being developed to become the 'people's waterfront'. The aim of which is to support and facilitate the growth of the local community and economy, and provide facilities, which strengthen community relationships. The proposed project aims to: - Establish a world-class waterfront and create a tourism node for Walvis Bay; - Uplift the currently underutilised municipal land; - Generate revenue and economic stimulus to the business and tourism industries of Walvis Bay; and - Provide a multi-purpose, recreational and lifestyle facility for all community members of Walvis Bay, the broader Namibian community, international and domestic tourists. The project will generate a range of social and commercial benefits, which include but are not limited to the following: - Providing residential properties which form part of the strategic plan for the management of an increasing population; - Providing tourism facilities which will attract and retain tourists in Walvis Bay thereby supporting economic growth through increased bed occupancy and additional spending; - Relocating existing sporting facilities to lower income areas thereby improving the availability of facilities for the less affluent areas; - Improving local bulk services including water supply, sewerage treatment and electricity; - Encouraging and supporting local investment; - Creating direct and indirect employment opportunities; - Increasing demand for secondary services such as catering and cleaning, thereby providing additional employment opportunities; and - Increasing property values.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 6 November 2020

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