
363 arrested for wildlife crimes in 2019

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Pangolins are the most poached and trafficked animal species in Namibia, crime statistics show. A total of 174 wildlife crime cases involving high-value species were registered last year and more than 360 suspects were arrested. According to the 2019/2020 annual progress report of the environment ministry, 92 of these cases related to pangolin, 54 related to elephants, 32 related to rhinos and 17 to conspiracy to poach rhinos. Of the 363 suspects, 160 were arrested for pangolin poaching, 100 for elephant poaching, 112 for rhino poaching and 69 were pre-emptive arrests involving conspiracy to poach rhino. Most of these suspects are Namibians (69%) and the remainder is made up of Angolans (5%), Zambians (3%), Zimbabweans (0.6%) and Botswana nationals (0.3%), while 2% are undetermined nationalities.

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Namibian Sun
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