
APP-001261: Environmental Clearance Certificate for Township Establishment  of Narraville Extension 13 on the remainder of Farm Wanderdünen No. 23, Walvis Bay Townland, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

Proposed amendments to the conditions of current ECC 2. Proposed amendment(s): Environmental Clearance Certificate for Township Establishment  of Narraville Extension 13 on the remainder of Farm Wanderdünen No. 23, Walvis Bay Townland, Erongo Region. 3. Reason for Amendment(s): Upon submission of the application to NAMPAB, it was recommended that Narraville Extension 13 be split into two farms to be known as Narraville Extension 13 and Narraville Extension 16. Thus, we are seeking for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for both extensions. Note the attached response from NAMPAB (Annexure A). 4. Describe the environmental changes arising from the proposed Amendment(s): Extension 13 has now become smaller due to the splitting and creating Extension 16. New lay-outs plans are attached (Annexure B). Please note that the total area to be develop for the two extensions remains the same.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 5 October 2020

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