
APP-001764: Environmental Scoping and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Quarrying and Related Activities by Peralin (Pty) Ltd’s (Claims 1-5 (Ordinal No’s); Registered No’s 70691-70695) (previously 68113 to 68117), Farm Gocheganas No. 26, Khomas Region, Namibia

Publication Year:

Renewal of ECC for Environmental Scoping and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Quarrying and Related Activities by Peralin (Pty) Ltd’s (Claims 1-5 (Ordinal No’s); Registered No’s 70691-70695) (previously 68113 to 68117), Farm Gocheganas No. 26, Khomas Region, Namibia Please note: i) the Claims have since expired; ii) Peralin (Pty) Ltd is in the process of rehabilitating the existing quarry-area; and iii) activities will continue at the Processing and Packaging Area, located on Part 1, Farm Gocheganas No. 26, to the north-west of the Peralin Paints Factory (located on Part 4, Farm Gocheganas No. 26). More details can be found in the five (5) Bi-Annual Reports submitted to the Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) since 2017, i.e. on 12 September 2018, 18 January 2019, 11 July 2019, 04 March 2020, and 08 June 2020.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 1 September 2020

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