
APP-001647: Application for the renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the Solar Power Plant on Namagra Mining License (ML) 142, Karibib District, Erongo Region

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The Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate is for: Continuation of the Solar Power Plant operation project on ML 142, for which an Environmental Clearance was obtained during September 2017 (see attached Appendix B to the cover letter), which requires authorisation in terms of the Environmental Management Act, 2007 (Act 7 of 2007) i.e. Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage activities. Title of Activity: Continuation of the Solar Power Plant operation project on ML 142. Location of Activity: The Solar Power Plant operation project is situated on the NAMAGRA ML 142 mining site which is located on private land, Farm Habis No. 71, situated within the Karibib District and Karibib constituency, within the south eastern parts of Erongo Region. Nature of Activity: The nature of activities undertaken at the Solar Power Plant operation is the generation, transmission and supply of solar powered electricity to augment the power supply at the mine. The 385 kWp power plant provides the 523, 000 kWh per year towards its mining operations. This has allowed NAMAGRA to save approximately 360 tons of CO² emissions per year. Scale and Scope of the Activity: The Project site consists of a 133kV solar plant. The solar panels are erected on the NAMAGRA ML 142, mining site. The operations of the solar plant have been on-going for approximately 8 years already on the NAMAGRA ML 142 mining site.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 27 August 2020

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