
Conflict with Spotted hyaenas in the Conservancies of the Zambezi Region - Report June 2020

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Three years of Event Book data from 2017 to 2019 on spotted hyaena attacks on livestock from 13 Zambezi Region conservancies was analysed. The records catalogued 161 head of livestock killed by spotted hyaenas in 138 events. Drought, human settlement in relation to hyaena occurance, cattle density and kraal quality were considered with respect to their role as drivers or considerations in spotted hyaena attacks on livestock. Attacks were seasonal along the Chobe Floodplain, but occured relatively consistently throughout the year in the Mudumu Complexes. The majority of spotted hyaena attacks took place in Lusese, Mashi and Kwandu Conservancies. Due to the preponderance of spotted hyaena attacks at kraal the obvious recommendation is to upgrade all kraals in hotspots of attacks. However, this may be too expensive an undertaking. Simply reinforcing existing kraals with chain link fencing is a possibility as well as implementing mobile kraals in areas where cattle numbers increase due to seasonal herding. Unfortunately livestock owners are resistant to communal kraaling and herding so building a number of large predator-proof kraals at each village would not be accepted. Due to the relatively high number of attacks while grazing it is important to reinforce both herding practices and securing all livestock in secure kraals at night.

Kwando Carnivore Project
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2020 Hyaena conflic_ZR.pdf 581.43 KB