
Agt ietermagôsmokkelaars gevonnis

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Agt ietermagôsmokkelaars is verlede week in Namibiese howe gevonnis. Namibiërs Willem Jonas Nangolo, Levi Wilhelm, Frans Nanga, Kanyetu Valentinus Mangundu, Mutero Bonifas Linyando en Frans Nanga is op 1 Julie in die Windhoek-landdroshof in Katutura elk tot 'n boete van N$15 000 gevonnis waarvan N$5 000 opgeskort is of tot drie jaar gevangenisstraf waarvan vyf maande opgeskort is. Hulle is skuldig bevind aan die oortreding van die beheerde wildlewe- en handelswet ná 'n lewende ietermagô en ietermagôvel in hul besit gevind is.

Eight magistrates were sentenced in Namibian courts last week. Namibians Willem Jonas Nangolo, Levi Wilhelm, Frans Nanga, Kanyetu Valentinus Mangundu, Mutero Bonifas Linyando and Frans Nanga were each sentenced to a fine of N $ 15 000 in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court in Katutura on 1 July, of which N $ 5 000 was suspended or up to three years imprisonment of which five months were suspended.

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