
APP-001591: Environmental Assessment for the additional Mining Claims 71547, 71548, 71549 and 71550, adjacent to the Existing Mining Operations on Mining Claims 65425 and 65426

Publication Year:

The scope of this project is limited to obtaining an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the following: • Additional Mining Claims 71547, 71548, 71549 and 71550, adjacent to the Existing Mining Operations on Mining Claims 65425 and 65426 The proposed project involves application for an ECC for mining claims 71547, 71548, 71549 and 71550. An ECC was granted to Okatji Marble Mine in 2017 for the existing mining activities taking place on mining claims 65425 and 65426. The existing and proposed mining claims are operated by one family although they are registered legally under two separate entities (Okatji Marble CC and Fame Stone Distributors CC). Operations on the existing mining claims are being stopped due to market conditions. As such the proponent has applied to obtain additional mining claims 71547, 71548, 71549 and 71550 under the name Fame Stone Distributors CC to expand the operation. The additional mining claims will make use of the existing structures and resources located at the mine. No new structures will be erected for the additional mining claims. The only activity that occurs at the mine includes marble cutting- no crushing, milling, or polishing takes place at the mine.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 28 July 2020

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