
B2Gold project steps in to save rhinos

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Local organisations supporting conservation in Namibia have seen their budgets slashed by up to 30%, as the coronavirus pandemic significantly impacts the world's economy. Among these organisations are Save the Rhino Trust Namibia (SRT), Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) and the Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF), which provide critical field-based support to trackers and rhino rangers. Through the B2Gold Rhino Gold Bar project, critical crisis support has been provided to community-backed rhino conservation efforts in northwest Namibia. According to a statement issued by the B2Gold Rhino Gold Bar advisory committee, the knock-on effect on job security, provisions for families and the protection of Namibia's critically endangered black rhinos is potentially devastating for communities in the region that have worked hard to develop a rhino-based economy.

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Namibian Sun
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