
APP-001441: The operation of the Ruacana Power Station, Kunene River, Omusati Region

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The ECC is for the operation of Ruacana Ruacana power station. Ruacana Ruacana power station is situated on the Kunene river in the northwest region of Omusati region. The Ruacana Hydroelectric power station forms part of the Kunene River scheme which consists of five components, namely the Gove Dam (with a capacity of 2600Mm3, approximately 430km upstream of Ruacana), Calueque Dam (with a capacity of 475 Mm3, situated about 46km upstream of Ruacana), the diversion weir (with a capacity of 20 Mm3) and the 525km, 330kV Omburu transmission line that carries most of the power generated by the power station to central Namibia. These five components cover an area of approximately 92278.44m2. The dams upstream of Ruacana diversion weir were constructed to facilitate construction of Calueque and diversion weir and subsequently for regulation of the river flow at Ruacana power station for the ultimate purpose of maximizing its power generation. Under the Environmental Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (2012), the activity described as "The construction of facilities for the transmission an of electricity…" requires an Environmental Clearance Certificate. Ruacana Power Station was constructed before the promulgation of Environmental management Act and its regulation, Section 57. (1) states that “A person who, on the date of commencement of this Act, undertakes a listed activity under an authorisation, may continue to undertake such an activity for a period not exceeding one year, or such longer period as the Minister may approve.. Since the power station was constructed prior to the promulgation of the Environmental Management Act and its regulation, as a result there was no environmental impact assessment study conducted for the project prior to its development. It is therefore against this background that NamPower intends to apply for the operational Environmental Clearance Certificate in order to comply to the Management Act (Act 7 of 2007) and its regulations.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 21 July 2020

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