
APP-001515: Consolidation of Erven 159, 161 and 162 into consolidated Erf X, Keetmanshoop; Consent use to operate and construct an Institutional Building (Private Hospital - that includes ancillary services such as a pharmacy, medical offices and tuck shop) on the consolidated Erf X (Erven 159, 161 and 162) and the proposed rezoned Erf 163

Publication Year:

It is the intension of the proponent to consolidate Erven 159, 161, 162, 163 and the part of the street between erven 162 and 163, to construct a Private Hospital in Keetmanshoop. Keetmanshoop being the regional centre of the //Karas Region and situated on main traffic corridors is well situated for such a hospital. The town of Keetmanshoop is in need for such facilities and it is expected that the establishment of a private hospital in Keetmanshoop will be greatly beneficial to the Keetmanshoop and regional community in terms of health provision and job creation. The proposed development will offer a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized medical staff and medical equipment that will be greatly beneficial for patients that currently has to travel to Windhoek in order to receive these specialist treatments. It should be noted that contemporary hospital facilities are supported by pharmacy outlets, medical offices, tuck shop facility and/or medical laboratory services. The following statutory steps as outlined below that need to be undertaken in order for the establishment of the proposed hospital: Consolidation of Erven 159, 161 and 162 into consolidated Erf X, Keetmanshoop;  Consent use to operate and construct an Institutional Building (Private Hospital -that includes ancillary services such as a pharmacy, medical offices and tuck shop) on the consolidated Erf X (Erven 159, 161 and 162) and the proposed rezoned Erf 163;  Rezoning of Erf 163 Keetmanshoop from "Residential 3" to "Business 2"; Subdivision, Purchase and Closure of Street Portion (Cathedral/8th street); Consolidation of closed street with "Consolidated Erf X" and rezoned Erf 163 into "Consolidated Erf Y".

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 6 July 2020

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