
Namibe (Formerly Kunene-Tigres) - Revised EBSA Description


Namibe is a trans-boundary area shared by Namibia and Angola. The EBSA is a modification, and extension of the original Kunene-Tigres EBSA. The Kunene River, its mouth and associated wetland influence the salinity, sediment and productivity within the Tigres Island-Bay complex about 50 km north of the river mouth. This link, underpinning elevated local productivity, is a regionally unique feature. However, the original EBSA delineation also included but overlooked the presence of shelf-incising canyons and seamounts in EBSA footprint, which also contribute to elevated productivity are foraging habitat. New information since the initial description has facilitated a northward extension of the EBSA to include adjacent canyons and seamounts, as well as the full extent of the coastline of Iona National Park. In short, Namibe comprises a highly diverse collection of species and habitats in very close proximity, many of which are also threatened, with unique and other features that promote high productivity. In turn this drives importance of the area for supporting the life-histories of key species, such as providing foraging, breeding and resting habitats for seals, fish, turtles, and migratory and resident birds. https://cmr.mandela.ac.za/EBSA-Portal/Angola/Namibe-(Kunene-Tigres).

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