Apollo 11 Cave in southwest Namibia: Some observations on the site and its rock art
The wider landscape features of Apollo 11 are described in order to provide a background to both the archaeology and history of the Apollo 11 Cave area. The paintings in the cave are identified for the first time; the engravings on the stream bed and elsewhere in the vicinity of the cave are also described, including some not recorded by Scherz (1970). An attempt is made to place both the paintings and the engravings within the stratigraphic context of Wendt's excavations (1972, 1976). It is suggested that some of the paintings may be of San origin and at least 6000 years old, and that the engravings are likely to be of Khoekhoe origin and date from the first millennium AD onwards. The crude red, possibly finger, paintings in the cave may belong to the latter period.
The South African Archaeological Bulletin