
Distichamine, a chemotaxonomic marker for the genus Boophone Herb. (Amaryllidaceae)

Publication Year:

The plant family Amaryllidaceae is known for its ornamental and medicinal value, as well as its unique alkaloid constituents, including several molecules of high biological interest, such as galanthamine, pancratistatin and lycorine. These plants are also used in traditional medicinal practice systems across the globe, and the taxonomy of the family is relatively well-understood. The African genus Boophone Herb. comprises two species, B. disticha (L.f.) Herb. and B. haemanthoides F.M. Leight. Much is known about the ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of the wide-ranging B. disticha. In contrast, B. haemanthoides is a threatened and territorially restricted species, and its ethnobotanical usage by Khoi-San of the Northern Cape has only recently been described. During our investigation, B. haemanthoides was shown to be a novel source of the known β-crinane alkaloids distichamine, buphanidrine, buphanisine, and crinine. Of note is the presence of distichamine in B. haemanthoides, previously identified only in B. disticha, and its significance as a distinctive chemotaxonomic marker for the genus Boophone. Keywords: Amaryllidaceae, Boophone haemanthoides, Chemotaxonomy, Distichamine.

Publication Title:

South African Journal of Botany

Item Type:
Journal Article

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