
Twee mans probeer glo renoster stroop

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Twee Namibiese mans wat na bewering 'n renoster probeer stroop het, is verlede Woensdag met 'n jaggeweer en ammunisie in hegtenis geneem. Volgens die weeklikse wildmisdaadverslag van die Namibiese polisie se eenheid vir beskermde hulpbronne en die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme se intelligensie- en ondersoekeenheid, is mnre. Mbakondja Tjatindi en Matias Kaurikengererua by Oshakati in hegtenis geneem.

Two Namibian men allegedly trying to steal a rhino were arrested on Wednesday with a hunting rifle and ammunition. According to the weekly wildlife crime report from the Namibian Police's Unit for Protected Resources and the Ministry of the Environment, Forestry and Tourism's Intelligence and Investigation Unit, Messrs. Mbakondja Tjatindi and Matias Kaurikengererua were arrested at Oshakati. 

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