
Equus zebra ssp. hartmannae

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This subspecies is listed as Vulnerable (VU A3bcd) due to the probability of a future population reduction of at least 30% within the next 33 years (three generations) if further severe droughts occur. While the population has increased in recent years, Hartmann's Mountain Zebra (HMZ) remain at threat from another catastrophic drought as this would probably result in mortality across their range, but particularly of a high proportion of zebras on private farms and freehold conservancies. Over 3,500 HMZ are killed annually under license (data from 2008-2012, Shapi 2014, CITES trade statistics). At the moment this appears sustainable, but changing climatic conditions combined with over-harvesting could quickly cause this species to become threatened again. We have not been able to carry out a detailed analysis of the impact of the early 1980s drought but recommend that this should be done if sources can be identified. It is important to fully understand that the current population is more vulnerable than it may appear from its numbers alone and that we should learn the lessons of past droughts to plan conservation measures for a sustainable future.

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019
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Equus zebra ssp hartmannae_2019.pdf 1.23 MB