
Chapter 14: The Avifauna of Angola: Richness, Endemism and Rarity

Publication Year:

Angola has a rich history of ornithological exploration going back to the early 1800s. From the early-1970s to 2002, however, the civil war prevented access to many areas, and very little work on birds was done. From about the early 2000s information on birds in Angola has been gathered at an increasing rate, with new species being added to the list and a steady rise in publications on biogeography and biology of birds. With about 940 species, Angola has an impressive array of bird species, including c. 29 endemic species, and several species that are rare and poorly known. For the future, there are many areas of avian biology to attract studies, not only to gather more data on the rare and endemic species, but also local surveys of bird communities, the identification of major threats to the avifauna from landuse changes (concomitantly with suggestions for remedial action) and more. Understanding the role of birds in ecosystem processes, long term studies on the biology and breeding of individual species, and inferring the evolutionary history of the endemic species and of those species that occur in small isolated populations in Angola are all areas for future research. The future of ornithological research and conservation in Angola is dependent on it being carried out by Angolans โ€“ outreach, capacity building, and advanced training must all come together in order to find and train the motivated ornithologists that such a biodiversity-rich country deserves. Keywords: Afromontane forests, Angolan escarpment, Conservation, Endemic bird area, Ornithology, Rare birds,

Publication Title:

Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis

Huntley BJ, Russo V, Lages F, Ferrand N
Item Type:
Book or Magazine Section

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