
Aspects of ecology, biology and conservation strategies of Namibian farmland cheetahs

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Namibia has the largest remaining population of free-ranging cheetahs in the world (approximately 2,500), 90% of which are found on commercial livestock and game farms. The management of predators on private land is a complex, difficult issue especially when an endangered species is involved. The primary problem is conflict with livestock farming, to which there are solutions other than traditional lethal predator control. To be compatible with the survival of wildlife, new methods and policies of farm management, wildlife management and predator control urgently need to be incorporated into land management. Since 1991, the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF), a Namibian-based research and educational foundation, has been conducting integrated and multi-diciplinary research to provide baseline knowledge on the biology and ecology of the cheetah to help conserve the species. An overview of CCF's research findings will be discussed and how programs developed in Namibia are now being used in other countries where cheetahs are in need. In addition, ideas as to how Zoo Keepers can assist in cheetah conservation will be presented. Keywords:  1NA/Acinonyx jubatus, biology, cheetah, conservation, ecology, human-wildlife conflict, rnmanagement.

Series Title:
Animal Keeper's Forum
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