
Metadata for the LandPKS monitoring and herbaceous biomass monitoring carried out by the Rangeland Monitoring Project

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Metadata for the LandPKS monitoring and herbaceous biomass monitoring carried out by the Rangeland Monitoring Project (www.namibiarangelands.com). For 410 plots, metadata are available on surface saturated hydraulic conductivity; profile AWC; depth of soil profile; rock %; slope degrees; shape of slope down; shape of slope across; erosion - litter dams; erosion - pedestals; erosion - soil depositions; erosion - water flow patterns; erosion - rills; erosion - gullies; erosion - sheet; grazing intensity; browsing intensity; average CaCO3; soil depth; fire between 2000 and 2012; years burned of the last 12, 5 and 3 years; years since last fire; distance from waterpoint; agroecological zone. For 347 plots, monitoring photos (1 x oblique and 1 x vertical) are available. These can be found on the EIS Photo library. For 656 plots, herbaceous biomass data are available. The monitoring was suported by Millenium Challenge Account of Namibia; European Union Rangeland Monitoring Project; Namibia Rangeland Management Policy and Strategy project of the European Union."

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Rangeland Monitoring Project metadata.zip 246.63 KB