
Översvämning i regionen Oshikoto, Namibia - En fallstudie i lokalbefolkningens uppfattningar om översvämningen år 2012 samt hur den påverkat dem. Institutionen för naturgeografi och kvartärgeologi Stockholms Universitet

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During the 20th and in the beginning of the 21st century there have been several studies conducted on flooding in landscapes related to karstic environments. In 2012, flooding occurred in such a landscape near the town of Tsumeb in the Oshikoto region of central northern Namibia. The incident has not yet been fully investigated and studied in terms of how the inhabitants of this area were affected and how they perceived this event as well as earlier incidents of flooding in this region. This research seeks to answer these aforementioned topics with questions pointed to be of focus in a case study of the 2012 flood and relative to historical cases of flooding in the Oshikoto region, and link these floods to the karst landscape in the scenery called Karstveld. This has been done in an effort to answer the main questions of this study, though on a basic and general level. After having employed the methods of semi-structured interviews and field observations, this research draws the conclusion that there are diverse opinions about the area of land actually submerged by water during the floods as well as about the duration of the floods of 2012 that affected a part of the B1 road between the towns of Tsumeb and Oshivelo. Furthermore, this study concludes that floods are considered to be a rare phenomenon in the area and causing damage to farm lands and local economy. Keywords: flood, karst, karst flash floods, calcrete, permeability, Lake Otjikoto, Lake Guinas, waterflow, water level, precipitation, Tsumeb, Namibia, Oshikoto.

Stockholm University
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