First steps toward best practice SEA in a developing nation: lessons from the central Namib uranium rush SEA
Publication Year:
The intent of this study is to contribute to the discussion of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) best practice based on experience gained in a recent SEA initiative: the central Namib (Namibia) uranium rush SEA. We evaluate this SEA process against internationally established characteristics of 'best practice' SEA to improve and strengthen future practice in Namibia. The study draws primarily on the final assessment report as well as inputs from six informants involved in the assessment. The results reveal some elements of good practice as well as areas for improvement, and in particular, the need for improved baseline data collection; adequate consideration of alternatives; committing to preferred scenario/options; enforceability; and a more robust institutional capacity. We offer insight into how consideration of these factors may help to strengthen SEA practice in Namibia. Overall, the SEA may not represent a 'best practice' example according to international standards, but it does suggest a potentially bright future for SEA practice in Namibia. Keywords: strategic environmental assessment, cumulative effects, SEA best practice, uranium mining.
Publication Title:
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
Item Type:
Journal Article